By Must! Poem by Titus Kirega

By Must!

By the Holy Spirit we are born again,
Grace came with alot of pain
For had there been no pain what can we gain?
But they...they...they that are born of flesh only..
Those who live unholy..
Those who the world is their only story-
Satan is binding their eyes to see God's glory..
But funny enough, their ears do hear,
While the end grows near
Its clear they have fear...,
When God's unending comfort to everyone is clear!
The spirit of darkness attacked our past
The same is in our present, why are we letting it last?
God reverberates in our hearts
But we've shut our hearts filled with clutter!
Soon the church will be gone
The evil one will come, and be their only song
Satan shall refrain
To the world that remains-
Deceive them to the worldly gains...
And then...
Just when....satan is done with men-
The mighty will burn satan to death!
Yes, the deceived will be left for hell
When their 'master' will have fell!
The ones born in spirit will rest well-
In heaven they will gain what they lost in the world, where once they'd 'fell'!
It will be finished at last-
Remember, its either heaven or hell- by must!

-Titus Kirega (c)

Titus Kirega

Titus Kirega

Nakuru, Kenya
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