Calm Before The Storm (Perfect Storm, Pt.1) Poem by Axley Jade Blaze

Calm Before The Storm (Perfect Storm, Pt.1)

There is nothing in life,
Quite like the calm
Before any calamitous occurrence.

That is true seduction.
And the prettiest kind of ugly.

The way you allow yourself to be seduced?
The firemen, the ambulances, the T.V.s—
They are all warning you.

'Get out of there, take cover, find shelter! '

'You must believe in the storm! The storm is coming—
Stop peering at the sun gently nestled in those clouds, ' they tell you.
They warn you, they do.
'Stop believing in the gentle gleam,
A light breeze, the softness of it all, ' they say.

'The T.V. is screaming for you to run!
Take shelter! '

'Don't you hear the city warning bells? '

'Stop believing in the mood, the rhythm.
Think; use your head.
Using logic, one can conquer a storm.
A foolish heart; that weakened, useless organ, cannot.' They warn.

'Stop being sentimental, craving sunsets,
Nature IS a beast! '

…And, maybe I just wanted to believe,
Maybe I did.
Because I am a girl who likes a good story;
A pretty tragedy, a gloomy poem.
And I am a girl who likes storms.

I needed you,
To tell another lovely litany of lies, cries, and beautiful destruction after the seduction.

Or, maybe I look at you now,
And I say:
'We may curse the storm,
But we love it, we do!
Weather+ a storm or not,
Is the storm so weak, it acquiesces?
Indeed no 'true storm' is so easily tamed? '

And maybe that makes me NOT a poet who enjoys sad poems, inevitable betrayals and tragic endings.
But rather, the storm itself.

(And I think you were too busy paying mind to these words,
to ever see it coming.

Just like the calm before this storm, honey.)

© copyright 2019-2024 Calm Before The Storm (Perfect Storm, Pt.1)

+Pun intended.

Calm Before The Storm (Perfect Storm, Pt.1)
Friday, March 15, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: love,passion,sex,together,relationships,romance
Author's Annotation(s) - +The play on the word " weather" is intentional.
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