Capricious Love Poem by Stanley Coffin

Capricious Love

A capricious love one foot in one foot out, you tear up my mind,
A delicious love neither here nor there but when you let me it's so beautiful and oh so very fine,
A luscious love with depths so deep and so divine but never mine,
A labricious love you drive me wild you light that fire that I can't control then you walk away,
But it's become a laborious love with the ups and downs and your wild ways I feel I can no longer stay,
The intense passionate love is what I desire not the emptiness when you decide you've had your fun for of this I have begun to tire ,
You aren't prepared to commit you want it on your terms when your love you choose to give,
Im on this emotional roller coaster that I do not control I need to end this ride for this is not how I want to live,
Yet walking away is not going to be easy as I am addicted to your wild capricious ways,
But the one journey I no longer can take is the one I'm on no matter how great the high for me this needs to be goodbye,
My heart is heavy with the choice I need to make,
I can not stay I must move on for my heart needs a break from this heartbreak that is you,
I wish you well wherever you may be and whatever you may do,
as for me and you,
It is with regret this capricious, delicious, luscious, laboricious, laborious love I must forsake.

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