Care Enough To Be Tough Poem by Sarah M.Brown

Care Enough To Be Tough

Rating: 3.5

Young children are good kids, or they can be at least,
It is what adults "build them into" that counts.
Being a disciplinarian is the hardest of things to do,
As to being a good one there is no steadfast rule.
A degree of discipline is needed in every facet of life,
From the common ordinary things to moments of strife.
Children need rules to be set, reasonable, yet definite.
Stable, sensible regulations that are solidly fixed.
Never disagree about things in the presence of children,
Go "in private" for decisions you may not agree on.
Be assertive - weak ineffective authority lacks security,
They require a stable environment, it is a necessity.
Kids act up to put pressure on authority figures to find
If they are capable And care enough to hold the line.
Patient, Loving guidance is essential in children's lives
When not properly given - to get it - they misbehave.
A uniform, firm, caring control to continuously govern
And establish in life a practical lasting pattern.
The conventional parental role is "supposed" to typify
Leadership, guidance and example for kids to Live by.

Chris Mendros 16 February 2007

You mean, autocratic, PARENT, you; >) At least your kids'll know you care, one day. Too bad harsh truths appear not to be appreciated, as if poetry was meant to reflect only wishful thinking. Like the old man on the mountain, reality, form and discipline seem to have fallen in dust away. To paraphrase the bard of New hampshire, 'preserve, preserve! '

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Sarah M.Brown

Sarah M.Brown

Belmont, New Hampshire, USA
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