Change Did Not Change My Love For You Poem by Secrets Of The Dark

Change Did Not Change My Love For You

Why couldn't we be together?
Why did things have to change?
I always thought we'd be together until the ends of our days.
Why'd you have to go then?
Why'd you leave me this way?
Why'd you leave me here alone?
Leaving me here with all this pain.
Emptiness is how I feel.
Hollow is what I am.
Pain is my daily doses of agony that keeps making my heart break again.
Bringing back those memories.
Creating tears from the memories of our past.
And for memories that could of been made with you if your life would have last.
With every tear their is another reminder of what was and never will be.
Memories of what we use to be.
Two happy people, you and me.
But now your gone and I'm still here.
Trying to get through each day without the rembrance of your absence killing me.
Why is it you could never be with me?
Why'd you have to love me then leave me?
Why'd you have to go?
Why'd you leave me here alone?
The tears that I cry are from the memories that where.
And for the ones that will never be.
I miss you.
It will forever be this way.
Cause are love was suppose to be forever but some how our plans changed.
I will love you forever until the day that I die.
Cause the love I felt for you was real and it changed my life.
I will forever bring roses to your grave site.
Loving you? It did change me.
It made my life different.
It made my life good.
Love is what I feel for you, loving you until the end.
My questions may never be answered.
But my love for you will remain.
My heart will always keep loving you until the end of my days.
I love you more then the word love means itself.
Until I am dead and buirred beside your grave.
Until and then after I will still love you the same.
Because you are my other piece.
The piece that filled up my gaps and made me feel whole.
I'll be home soon one day.
We'll be sitten on the poarch drinking iced peach tea hand in hand cuddled up next to me you'll be.
Watch'en the sunset forever we will be.
I love you forever.
I love you baby.

This is about the heartbreak of the (unpridictible or predictible) death of the one you love. And never getting over it.
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