Check Up (Girls Only) Poem by Joshua Mccoy

Check Up (Girls Only)

I am a doctor who specializes in treating the femine body and love to give large injections.
With a slender needle, I slowly penetrate deeply in a matter of seconds and draw out as much of a sample as I need until you’re light headed and about to faint.
Feeling woozy, I ask you to open your mouth wide as I slide my stick across your tongue and roughly dab the back of your throat until I have collected enough moisture with the tip then take my time slowly pulling back out.
I ask you to breathe in deeply as I put a clasped hand to your exposed chest with cold frozen metal and check your body temperature with a thick lined thermometer lodged in you and plunge rapidly in and out repeatedly to make sure I get an accurate reading. Feeling your heartbeat quicken, I squeeze you tightly by pumping and steadily mount up immense pressure to a suffocating degree. Your body tenses up from all sides and you cringe as I relieve you into a numbing sensation with a sweet release.
I tell you to put your clothes back on and shut the door behind me then hastily take my leave down the hallway as the real doctor approaches from the other end and opens the door.

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