Upendra Majhi Poems

Hit Title Date Added
At 59 Years What I Remember

I remember a few blades of grass,
I remember white flowers of drumstick,
the afternoon rainbow, reflected images of hibiscus,
the full moon of kumar purnima

Digital Love

Your love hint came in my cell
in sms, as one time password,
I came running and stood still before you,
You said you want Character validity verification

I Was Born Great

Today,12 August I was born,
Today I was born great,
I am a audio video system put by God,
to report all sublleties of His creation,

Cosmic Existence

The black mole of monsoon cloud
in the blue forehead of earth,
the kathkali colours of
red, green, pink, yellow


Knowledge gives humbleness
Humbleness gives worthiness,
From worthiness comes wealth,
From wealth , religiosity,

Love Pure

This flow of love
sporadic flow rather,
like the photons,
that need plucking before decay,

Earth Rotating I Saw

The sky- Ganges flows above my head
I at 8000 metres above the earth,
The river 1000meter above me,
the white stream flow closely tight

Room For All

A white tiny butterfly,
wings like two petals of tagar flower,
the wind stands still to make it fly,
Perhaps earth rotates slower to allow it live,

A Black White Smallbird

A black white small bird,
at the big tall banyon,
with eyes beautiful and weird,
with tail wing well commanded,

Get Ecstatic And Inebrieted With...

It does not rain for crops,
For crop is the food,
Food is not consumed by matter,
God does not consume food,

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