Childrens Book-Adventure #7 Mike E. Meanderer Meets: Clarice, The Singer Of Beautiful Songs Poem by Christine K. Trease

Childrens Book-Adventure #7 Mike E. Meanderer Meets: Clarice, The Singer Of Beautiful Songs

One day as i wandered down the path
that leads from my house to everywhere.
I could hear a sort of chattering noise
dancing through the air.

The sound enticed me, its melody rang
over the rolling green hill.
I wanted to find this magical creature
before its 'singing' grew still.

Yackety Yack and squeakity squeak
Oh, how this creature went on,
chattering and chirping its gibberish,
“singing” its very strange song.

the melody rang through the pastures,
it glided across flora's pond.
it made its way here to my anxious ears,
this strange, little haunting song.

In my mind I imagined the creature
that could 'sing' in this magical key.
I was sure that it must look much different
than either you or me.

Each pause that I took left me yearning
again for the noise to hear,
the tune was so strange and beguiling,
yet pleasing to my ear.

I liked this very strange language,
and the tune that it carried along,
so i had to find out who was 'singing'
this haunting, lovely song.

So, pausing to listen and see which direction
the noise was coming from,
I hummed to myself, along with the tune,
as I made my way steadily along.

The noise became louder, I grew more excited,
hearing; the melody near.
I plodded along the unknown path
that brought me exploring here.

and then ‘round the bend, sat perched on a limb,
was the cutest little fluffy -tailed 'singer',
just chattering away, and chirping her song,
she wasn't aware I could see her.

I stood for what felt like an hour or so,
unnoticed and all alone,
and watched as this fluffy-tailed creature,
was singing her beautiful song.

I shifted my weight from the left to the right
and a twig snapped beneath my big toe,
and to my dismay, this startled the thing
and down she came tumbling so.

She tried to leap to her feet and run,
but her front leg just dangled in pain.
I tried to ease her frightened mind,
but she tried to run again.

I said, 'Now, little creature,
although I don't know what you are,
I’ve just come to hear your lovely song,
I heard you from afar.

I traveled to hear your singing
from a long ways away, on my farm.
I would never want to hurt you,
1 don't mean you any harm.'

And, with that, the little creature said,
'You really liked my song?
Its simply mindless chatter, '
then she asked, 'have you stood here long? '

I told her about an hour or so.
She asked me why so long?
I told her I was enchanted by
her little chattering song.

I told her “I’m Mike E. Meanderer, ”
and I asked, “What creature are you? '
see told me, 'I’m Clarice the Chipmunk.'
we politely said, 'how do you do? '

I offered to make a splint for her
she could wear it until she could heal
I will come back and check in a week or so,
I can't tell you how badly I feel.

She said she would surely be so much obliged,
so I started to splint her front paw
I knew that I could do a wonderful job
I had been taught by the best, my mama.

I knew that my mom would be happy
I’d been able to use what she taught.
I had found two straight sticks, for the splinting,
and my shoelace for tying the knot.

1 bound her leg tight for the healing,
and I bid her a fond adieu,
and i sais, 'I’ll be back in a week or so,
when again I’ll come checking on you.'

Then back down the path my little feet went,
from everywhere to my home.
I love to walk down this cobblestone path
each day when my travels are done.

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