China Poem by Nassy Fesharaki



When hear ring of bell,
I smile, eyes open…

Some of words sound jokers',
Fill me with fun, laughter…

Remember reading of
A trap, lynx, hunter…

"Animal felt the pain,
Tried to run away,
Helped the loop to tighten,
Squeeze rat to death…"

Now decrees and orders
Following words, efforts
To me look like escape
Of the lynx hunter said.

The blames and fear
Speak loud, clear:
"Unaware is teller…"

He is dumb or wants us:
"Be like me, deaf, blind."

Does he know Kissinger
And Mao and Nixon?

To cut arm of Moscow
They selected China
And spoiled orphan child.

Start was with Ping Pong
Of Peking, Washington…

Greedy investors
Employed cheap labour,
Brought in IMF,
With new standards,
Eyes focused on Hong Kong.

New term, phenomenon,
"Global Village, " born out of
Wall Street's fresh mine.

The wasteland of China
Grew fast and learned how
To make, sell directly,
She advanced in rain, sun.

Apple made in China
Samsung made in China
Same was with Toshiba
And many other ones.

And we bought!
And we bought!
And we bought!

Most of us focused on
The main dish, closed eye
On dessert, soup, salad!

The US politics always is a baby,
Rushes in decisions:
"Kremlin is serpent, venomous! "

The Yankees mostly are
Cowboys and carry gun,
They belong to the barn,
Frankenstein, looking out.

Assembled of dead's parts!

They picked a snake egg
And hid in blanket
Under which in winter
They crawled and cuddled,
The egg hatched in due day
And become a python…

No decree, no order
Can repaint the canvas!

Tuesday, July 14, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: historical
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