Choose Day! Poem by Denis Martindale

Choose Day!

Today's the day of salvation for thousands here on Earth,
When receiving revelation and they know what it's worth.

Perhaps through Scriptures, or through prayers, or even prophecies,
There comes a time they know God cares and seeks to grant them peace.

And that's why we call it Choose Day when lost souls find the Lord,
When prodigals return and stay and live in sweet accord.

Some new believers get baptised upon this very day
Just as their Bibles tell of Christ, deciding to obey.

The Holy Spirit guides them all to blessings old and new,
The Gospel's like a miracle, a perfect dream come true.

Evangelists rejoice again in God and in His Son,
And every Kingdom citizen with good works to be done.

For there's a harvest still to find, each Choose Day that God gives,
And blessed are those of all Mankind who know that Jesus lives!

Denis Martindale. June 2022.

The Gospel poem shared on Revelation TV's
R-Mornings show on the 21st of June 2022
refers to the verse, Today is the day of salvation.
The poem also mentions baptism because that
happened on the day of Pentecost and new
believers today sometimes get baptised, too.

Choose Day!
Tuesday, June 21, 2022
Topic(s) of this poem: God
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