Christians Against Poverty Poem by Denis Martindale

Christians Against Poverty

I've never had a girlfriend, I've never had a wife.
Someone on whom I could depend, to help me to survive.
I've lived on benefits, that's all... across the decades past
And so, there seemed no miracle, from first day to the last.
Yet here I am, retired now, with bills on every side,
The TV Licence paid somehow, but hatred I can't hide...
Yet I don't gamble, I don't drink... I don't take drugs or smoke.
I stay at home with time to think... that life's become a joke...
I cut my hair to save some more... I wait for discount deals...
I've not much left worth living for... except my basic meals...
So I watch telly all alone... yes, even Christmas Day...
I hardly ever hear the phone... yet for this, too, I pay...
And Winter's here to make me cold... so why should I go out?
The heating's on, yet costs more gold... not much of that about...
But I'm still here... and with no debts... as lonely as can be...
Unloved... and counting my regrets... because of poverty...

Denis Martindale February 2019.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: christianity,christmas day,debt,poverty,winter
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