Christians Should Be First Poem by Randy McClave

Christians Should Be First

If more Christians had listened to Jesus
They wouldn't be that hateful or uncaring or grievous,
They would always have an opened hand
To help feed the poor or to help them stand,
Helping others would be their truest command.

Christians should always be the first ones wearing a mask
Not with anyone ever having to plead or ask,
Remember, for all mankind Jesus wore a crown of thorns
For me, and for you, and for all newborns,
As he suffered ridicule and mockery and scorns.

Christians should always be the first ones shaken
When from a parent their child is taken,
Just because the child is of a different belief or race
Or if they are immigrants, with a dirty face,
It's a shame and a disgrace.

Christians should always be the first ones demanding
Refuge for foreigners fleeing violence they should be commanding,
As Moses had too fled hate and violence
Jesus was too an immigrant crossing the high fence,
Now there is nothing, but silence.

Christians should be the first ones opposing police brutality
It is sinful and judging and evil and all immorality,
Remember, Jesus was beat and scourged by the law
Because of his faith and race known by all,
Now the world is still in awe.

Christians should be the first ones to scream Black Lives Matter
They should stand against police brutality and its batter,
With the over use of force or of fists or guns
Christians should be the first to scream with their daughters and sons,
They should never ever be the very last, or silent ones.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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