Christmas Is Really For The Children Poem by Steve Turner

Christmas Is Really For The Children

Rating: 4.4

Christmas is really
for the children.
Especially for children
who like animals, stables,
stars and babies wrapped
in swaddling clothes.
Then there are wise men,
kings in fine robes,
humble shepherds and a
hint of rich perfume.

Easter is not really
for the children
unless accompanied by
a cream filled egg.
It has whips, blood, nails,
a spear and allegations
of body snatching.
It involves politics, God
and the sins of the world.
It is not good for people
of a nervous disposition.
They would do better to
think on rabbits, chickens
and the first snowdrop
of spring.

Or they'd do better to
wait for a re-run of
Christmas without asking
too many questions about
what Jesus did when he grew up
or whether there's any connection.

Douglas Bacon 09 December 2023

Thanks for this. It is strangely helpful this year. Bethlehem is a 'Little Town' in West Bank, Palestine.

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Aize Smit 12 November 2020

was published in " Nice and Nasty"

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elinor 05 November 2020

Nothing is sacred anymore except through the eyes of a child at Christmas.

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Very good.

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