Claustrophobic Poem by Hannah Diane Williams


The world surrounds me tight.
I am trapped in a small closet.
I'm scared of being alone
Especially in this tight space.
No room to breathe,
I'll just have to bleed.
The pain overwhelms me inside...
Every time you hurt me,
It forms another scar
Permanately damaging my heart.
You don't know the pain you cause
Or you just don't care.
You treat me like I'm a rag doll,
Ugly and beaten up.
You act as if I can't hear you
And like my feelings don't matter at all.
It's been like this for a while,
And I'm sick of it.
It's just not fair.
I may not talk much,
But it's just because I'm scared.
These scars are deeply engraved in my heart...
You can't see them,
But they're there.
I feel ugly, isolated
Like an ice-cream cone
On a cold day.
What did i do to deserve this?
Maybe I took you for granted,
Thought you were better than this,
But I guess not...
I can't go on living my ife
Because pain is still overwhelming me
Like rain falling above my head
In a river I'm already drowning in...
This river of pain and hurt
Turning into blood.
I thought this would help,
But it only seems to get worse.
You ask me how I am.
A bold-faced lie is all I tell you
Through a smiling face.
I feel alone and scared,
Overwhelmed and depressed.
You laugh about these things
Like they're not real.
I wonder if you knew,
Would you continue laughing
Or would you actually care?
I tell myself you don't care.
It's another scar for my heart to ber.
These scars are overwhelming me.
They hurt so much,
It overflows to blood
Like ar river overflows with water
From a waterfall.
What did I do to deserve this..
To do this to myself?
It feels like I've been stabbed
A million times in the heart
And then all the pieces fell on the floor
Only to be stepped on and crushed,
Broken down even more...
And ignored by the rest of the world.
The horrors of my bleeding heart
Cause this horrific secret
I'm forced to hide
From the world.
I'm overwhelmed...
Can't you see?
I can't take this overwhelming pain
Overflowing inside me.
In my room...
You could finally see the permanent scars
My shattered heart cause.
I've been betrayed a million times,
Stabbed in the back
And the heart at the same time.
Maybe if you saw these scars,
You would care.
I feel like I've been buried in the ground
And the only thing left to hear my cry
Are bugs,
Gnawing at my flesh,
Leaving me decomposed...
It hurts...
The pain is so real inside me,
It hurts...
And nobody cares!

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