Clone-God Poem by David Welch


It was in the year 2040,
in Vienna was where it all began,
folks were looking at the Lance on Longinus,
when they saw something they couldn't understand,
on the spearhead was dried blood, from a man.
The faithful all proclaimed a miracle,
but science wanted to study this in full.

That, of course, caused lot son controversy,
some feared testing would destroy what they found,
and immigration had changed Europe,
local Islamists were soon coming around,
hating the implications of what was found,
they went to the museum, tried to burn it,
engulfed half of Vienna in a riot.

Given the conflict the discovery brought,
most realized it could not stay in this place,
after much debate a decision was made,
they would send it to the United States,
in hopes that there the lance would be more safe,
So science could find where the blood came from,
and disprove the rumors, which they thought were dumb.

So it was in Berkley, of all places,
that the ancient spear would find a new home,
there was all sorts of hub-bub when it arrived,
the media had a frenzy of their own,
the lab that got it soon became well known,
and Doctor Tom Wiseman soon got to work,
he doubted not the blood was of this Earth.

After six months of examination
they had isolated complete DNA,
and Tom was working very late one night
when to the janitor, Pete, he did say,
"It's strange, the furor won't go away.
We tell the believers it's a normal stand,
but they do not care, still this it's their 'God-man.'"

Pete just shrugged, said, "I suppose it makes sense,
it wasn't DNA that made Jesus Lord.
it was supernatural, God's presence,
the made the man so worshipped and adored,
a lot of people just seek something more."
Tom just looked at him and said, "Petey, my friend,
I think you just helped me bring this to an end."

He said later, at a meeting of trustees,
"I think we've an opportunity here,
a chance to prove Jesus was just a man,
free people from superstitions and fear.
We can finally make the truth quite clear.
I'll make a clone with an artificial womb,
accelerate the growth, so we'll have it soon."

Now human cloning is always borderline,
but it this case all agreed to it, fast,
a chance to disprove a major religion,
what academic would pass up that?
A good many of them seemed rather glad,
but they all agreed to do this in secret,
they had to be sure, and were not there yet.

They took the DNA, and a donor egg,
in the artificial womb they both went,
a new machine the size of a van,
that, ironically, many thought heaven-sent,
since it had brought abortion to an end.
A device that had saved so many lives…
now used to disprove all religion's ‘lies.'

About a year in the child looked like
a small boy, somewhere around six years old.
one day Pete looked in, and felt uncertain,
had for a while, if the truth be told,
and said to Tom, who by now felt quite bold,
"I know you are smart, have lots of degrees,
but have you really thought what this might unleash? "

"It will final show superstitious folk
that no deity will ever be real, "
said Tom as if talking to a child,
"And that with facts and reason they must deal,
and that the world does not care how they feel."
Pete sighed and said, "How have you gone so far
without knowing people, what we really are? "

Tom just scowled at the janitor's words,
then he snapped back, "Aren't you on the clock? "
He didn't say more, didn't get him fired,
as a worker he was solid as a rock,
but like most men had a head like a block.
Tom refocused on the task before him,
another year passed, they prepared to go in.

Thanks to advances in technology,
growth in DNA they could accelerate,
which means in two years Tom's people had grown
what took a normal person two decades,
though they could not, in this way, educate.
So what came out would be a large baby,
and not some living god, all people would see.

They were planning a big reveal next week,
but for Tom that just wasn't soon enough,
he'd put so much effort in this project,
put in long hours, done the media stuff,
he wanted to see the results so much…
He went in late one night while Pete cleaned the room,
and boldly opened the Artificial Womb.

A flush of green-yellow liquid poured out
and disappeared into a large floor drain,
a fetal figure was slumped in the chamber,
and to Tom he couldn't seem much more plain,
a human being like him, just the same…
He thought he had done it, but had no such luck,
because then, to his horror, the man stood up!

Tom stumbled back as the person stepped out,
and blathered, "But…n-no…how can this be? "
The man just chuckled when he heard Tom's words,
said, "Yes, many people have asked that of me."
Tom stammered, "How are you able to speak?
You should be like a child, brainless and lost."
Said Pete, "Or maybe, your theories are off."

But Tom still wasn't willing to say this,
his programming still argued with his own eyes,
he said, "Who are you? " The man replied, "Jesus.
You used my blood, who did you think was inside?
I thank you for helping me to arrive.
You're not the first Thomas was has had doubts,
I said I'd come back, but I never said how."

Jesus then walked forwards, right to Thomas,
still as naked as the day he was cloned,
he put his hand on Tom's shaking shoulders,
said, "Don't' be afraid, I've long called you my own,
You and your colleagues…no real faith have you known.
You think they'll reject you, and yes, they will,
but don't fear, I'll show you something greater still…"

He squeezed his hand, showed the Truth to Thomas,
let him see beyond the bonds of mere time,
the past, the future, beyond reality…
the perfect gift for analytical minds,
Tom fell to his knees and whispered, "Sublime."
Of course, Jesus helped Tom back to his feet,
then turned and smiled warmly towards Pete.

He said, "The wisest man amidst the egg-heads,
and it happens to be the janitor,
not only that, one who looks so much like
His much beloved ancient ancestor.
How could I return to Earth with no Peter? "
Said Pete, "I'll follow, but don't tell my dad,
he's the kind who thinks all religion is bad."

Jesus laughed, "Well, let's hold out hope for him, "
then nodded towards Thomas where he stood,
"There's plenty out there waiting for the Truth,
together we will accomplish much good.
Let us all go now, yes, we really should.
First we must seek out the others like you,
they've a part to play, and we've much work to do…"

Monday, October 19, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: ego ,epic,faith,jesus,narrative,rebirth,religion,rhyme,science,science fiction
This is a fictional story, and ONLY a fictional story.
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