Cold Awakening Poem by Gio Masserati

Cold Awakening

But awakened!

What is winter, but a cold Awakening of the numbed feeling
That you really can't feel
A Lost ing
Froze hopes
Trusting what is unseen
Battling Un feeling
Living solely on the fat of truths
As you and all around you
Lie into a withering
It's a lie! ! !
I just know it, it has to be
I Believe
I have to survive
Through the dead trees and bare vegetation
Of winter's cold scenery
Just to believe in something
Too, is better than to lose belief
Or believe in nothing at all
Crisp snowfalls call up my spirit
Making me bright!

Take these doubts, please
Soothe my inner sufferings
Put light to hide the withering reeds
Pear trees look like sticks with eyes
Whispering growth hushed tones unseen
Let us even gleen from your
Ripened, unseen, seeds and buds
Remember now the mustard seed
That always gives us hope
Yes, place that here to see it's size
Remind my faith to beat inside

Cover us with rich dark soils
Beneath the glistening snows
And tell a tale of your warmth and love
Can a tale be real if it's not tall?
So, in due time we will have grown
In and with the vine...the Vine
Winter Souls
Will be no more more, but abursting seedling
Branches and flowering scenes
Leaves and hearts once again flourishing
In and on and throughout trees of life
My Source and companion to survive
A Cold, but fruitful, Awakening

Friday, December 21, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: alone,coldness,compassion,faith,growth,hope,life and death,loneliness,lonely,longing
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