Collector Of Love (Monitor)~ Skupljačica Ljubavi (Monitor) Poem by Jankovic Zoran

Collector Of Love (Monitor)~ Skupljačica Ljubavi (Monitor)

New Age Thinker has invented the latest game.
She's called: A Collector of Love.
He looks at the monitor and imagines that he loves.

He type sweet words and
when the first love comes to him
He is tired and goes to another level.

At the other new level, he says his head hurts.
Pick up the prize and go on.
It's a harder later.
On the third level, feelings are waiting for him.
They knock and wait for the result of lies.

When New Age Thinker understood
that cheating can last
because it is known in letters
he continued to lie with words:
"I'll come in for four years
to live with you forever."

The third level smiles in itself,
he is waiting for a new lie
and he says the heart
Drawing on the screen is not love
but the continuation of the genetic code
from the mother inherited the New Age Thinker.

Then New Age Thinker
breaks the monitor and buys a new one.
She does not realize she will be
at the third level again
there have to continue
their ill circle of life.

The third level will blink
for the rest of his life
because he knows that
with a new monitor
can not buy new love.


Skupljačica ljubavi (Monitor)

Mislilac novog doba je izmislio najnoviju igru.
Ona se zove: Skupljač ljubavi.
Gleda u monitor i zamišlja da voli.

Kuca slatke riječi
i kad mu dobije prvu ljubav,
javi da je umoran
i pređe na drugi nivo.

Na drugom novou kaže da ga boli glava.
Pokupi nagradu i ide dalje.
Posle je mnogo teže.
Na trećem nivou ga čekaju osjećanja.
Ona kucaju i čekaju rezultat laži.

Kad New Age Thinker shvati
da varanje može da traje
zato što se po slovima poznaje,
on nastavi da laže riječima:
Ja ću doći za četiri godine
da živim s tobom zauvijek.

Treći nivo se nasmije u sebi,
sačeka novu laž i kaže da srce
nacrtano na ekranu nije ljubav
nego nastavak genetskog koda
od majke nasledio Novog doba Mislilac.

Tada Mislilac novog doba
razbije monitor i kupi novi.
Ne shvata da će opet na trećem nivou
morati da nastave svoj bolesni krug života.

Treći novo će blinkati
do kraja svog vijeka
jer on zna da se sa novim monitorom
ne može kupiti nova ljubav.

Friday, February 22, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: thinking
Jankovic Zoran

Jankovic Zoran

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