Condemned House Poem by Eillio Imbasciati

Condemned House

As the curtain draws to a close on the condemned house,
The man reflects on 1993, when him, his family, and the property, they came to be
1994 was a bore,
1995 he felt alive,
1996 he had a nervous breakdown he barely survive
1997 wasn't the pits,
1998 was a Warped mosh pit
1999 lost a Florida heart and a close friend,
2000 the poetry birds played football well
2001 the south was more effective,
2002 it was back to the grind
2003 he shouldn't have squeezed the cheeks or booze cruised,
2004 was jail time and the passing of mother's mother
2005 had a vibe, then the dad was gone
2006 he got his kicks,
2007 was better than even
2008 performed great,
2009 mother lost work, things were fine
2010 he did a Vance dance,
2011 was a-ok
2012 the poetry birds were back,
2013 an old new video game system entered the fray
2014 there goes the computer room's room,
2015 a tree said "timber! " and crash landed onto a gas meter and Taurus
2016 mother became ill,
2017 mother was no longer there, and another booze cruise happened
2018 was rather plain, mostly about cashing two checks,
2019 has been wild; lost power, lost gas, house condemned
Now it is present day, now it is the fu-tcha
Let the roaming commence for 2020

Saturday, December 28, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: house,housekeeping,life,life and death,lifespan
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