Confession Is Good For The Soul. Poem by ivor or ivor.e hogg

Confession Is Good For The Soul.

Canonised and sanitised.
The Vatican has changed its mind
Australian saint is recognised.

She blew the whistle long ago
Exposed a priestly paedophile.
Was she believed/Oh dear me no

Excommunicated, cast out
Because dared to speak the truth.
but times have changed and banished doubt..

The Vatican was in the wrong
protecting priestly paedophiles.
So now they sing a different song

The pontiff and the prelates know.
they have been caught committing crimes
Fresh scandals adding to their woe.

Reducing their authority.
Because they can no longer
hide behind facades of piety

So they create another saint
Too little and to late by far.
The church cannot escape the taint.

Perhaps it’s time to change the rules.
Why should a priest be celibate?
The general public are not fools.

I think the pontiff must accept
They got very badly wrong
When they decided to protect

The pervert priest from punishment.
Interfering with the laws
meant to protect the innocent

I do not think they can regain
the trust they secretly betrayed
Although they’ll try doubts will remain..

I’m sure the victims won’t forget
Nor do I think they will forgive
The church must recognise the debt.

And pay hard cash to compensate
The victims for their suffering
Again too little and too late.

If they had acted honestly.
They would not be in such a mess.
But sadly they chose secrecy

Wednesday,20 October 2010
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ivor or ivor.e hogg

ivor or ivor.e hogg

Hebburn.Co Durham U.K
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