November Poem by ivor or ivor.e hogg


Rating: 5.0

November month of fog and mists.
The early mornings have a bite
the silver grass by Jack Frost kissed
in the dark hours of the night.
The sun reluctant slow to rise
His winter rays no longer warm
that frost persists is no surprise.
This is the calm before the storm.
Winter advances openly
no power can withstand its might
What has to be will come to be
A winter world of black and white.
Though advent justifies a feast
the winter cares not in the least.

Chris Mendros 01 November 2007

This one's a keeper, well crafted and evocative. Nice work.

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Andrew mark Wilkinson 02 November 2007

What a great way to lift the winter blues, one of your poems is the way i choose..10

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Thad Wilk 01 November 2007

Hey Ivor! Your becoming a celebrity! Your writes are Grrreat! (10) ! ! Thad

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Ernestine Northover 01 November 2007

What can I say but 'Perfect'. A delicious piece of the very best standard. Love and hugs Ernestine XXX

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Debora Short 01 November 2007

The tight syllable count gives this piece a nice rhythm-I especially enjoyed the line, the 'silver grass by Jack Frost kissed.' I lovely well crafted read here, Ivor. Debora

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Yen Cress 01 November 2007

This is lovely! The sentiment, the senses, the language-all perfectly melded into a perfect form, a wonderful sonnet! Great work, Ivor!

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ivor or ivor.e hogg

ivor or ivor.e hogg

Hebburn.Co Durham U.K
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