Could I Have Saved You? Poem by Jessie Lima

Could I Have Saved You?

If you looked at Juan you could never tell,
That he suffered so much...
He seemed to be doing well.
I knew he was not,
But what could I do?
Give him a speech and a hug?
Risk being uncool?
I wish I could go back in time,
I would give everything I have,
Every dime!
If I said anything...
Would you be alive?
Can you hear me Juan?
Would you have thrived?
I couldn't even say Good-bye,
Something about how your body looked...
When you died.
Eight gun shots wasn't it?
It is what I was told.
If I had showed you the right path
I would still have you to hold.
Remember the tears in your brother's eyes?
You were there weren't you?
Did you tell him not to cry?
Isn't that some kind of joke between guys?
Will you ever forgive me
For not caring enough,
For not showing you the right path?
I wish I could go back in time,
I would give everything I have,
Every dime!

John Scully 13 July 2012

It sounds very personal, if so I'm sorry. But it is a poem very well written and with great lines of expression. I really liked it and will look out for more of your work.

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Jessie Lima

Jessie Lima

Salvador-BA/ Brazil
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