Cupid's Arrow Poem by Randy McClave

Cupid's Arrow

Rating: 5.0

I forget the exact time and the day
When Cupid shot me with his arrow,
Was I he trying to save, or to slay
As he laughed when he flew away like a sparrow.
But, I remember the scent of a beautiful flower
But, I forget the exact minute, time and hour.

When I was in love it was intoxicating
It was the melding of two wants and two desires,
It was a drug created by GOD for the mating
And not once did I think, that love too expires.
To truly love it is the greatest gift man can receive
Without love why do we paint or write, why do we breathe?

If Cupid only knew what he had done unto me
When his arrow had struck me in the heart,
I wonder if he gives his victims any tears or pity
When he rips their lives like mine apart.
When that potion of his finally wore off,
Seemingly it had come and gone like a summer's cough.

Now I am jealous of the Angels and the birds,
As they fly and look down upon me from above,
All that I have left from love are my words
In which case I would rather once again have love.
To Cupid and the Angels I know that I am well known
As I am the man who sits and waits for love all alone.

I pricked my thumb with a roses thorn
Happily I had thought that Cupid had shot me once again,
I was hoping once more that love in me to be reborn
So, I waited for it to start and my love to begin.
But, the woman I found she wasn't my fate
I was looking for love she was looking for lust and hate.

I remember that time so very long ago
When Cupid had arrived into my life,
With his arrow, love unto me he did bestow
Then that love had given me a child and a wife.
But, now that love and her are gone like a beautiful flower,
Sadly I can't remember the day, or even the hour.

Randy L. McClave

Thursday, June 19, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: love
Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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