Dad Poem by Mrs Boots


Snuggled in this giant’s arms,
My body holds no fear.
With newborn instinct I am blessed
And know that I’m safe here
This man he loves me, I am sure;
He holds me when I’m frightened.
In dead of night when monsters come
His arms around me tightens.

We walk to school, small hand in big,
He shows me parts of nature.
This man knows all about our world
- There is no knowledge greater.
We go to fish in Daisy Hill
And cross the old North Road;
Run through the field with Blakemore’s bull -
With him I’m never bored.

As time moves on, the child is gone
And in it’s place a rebel;
I hate to hurt this man I love
But emotions cause upheaval.
It breaks his heart - He lets me go
Across the sea - Away.
And when I falter, homesick now,
He tells me I must stay.

A saddened man, He gives me up
Before the eyes of God;
A new man now has taken me
To start along a new road.
Roll on the years, and things have changed;
I hold my own child to me.
I try to teach him all the things
This man has instilled deeply

But inside me, the child still lives
And holds all memories glad;
This perfect man - This powerful force -
I’m proud to call him “ Dad ”

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