Dark Creature Poem by L C Vieira

Dark Creature

You're obsessed you say -
these dark creatures of the night
evoking thoughts of lust and life,
thirst and death of what we know.
You call yourself a solitary man
and say ‘sadly' it is so.

Sadly no. You want it, live it that way.
Through the mists of solitude you wander
casting casual shadows on your admirers,
the ones with upturned necks awaiting
your touch, your fleeting bite.
It flies though your taste lasts,
hunger for more,
thirst never satisfied.

And still you wander, your purpose in mind.
Ever so slow, careful, still - you stop.
Your heated eyes, red with yearning turn our way
and we're consumed with everything
for just a bit of you.

(2002, Revised 2012)

L C Vieira

L C Vieira

Lisbon, Portugal
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