Darker Than Black Poem by Achintya Rajimwale

Darker Than Black

Rating: 5.0

A plagued world, a silent dystopia crept
By an eternal grey the night sky was swept
The stars were false, so they were called
Men lost their souls, their conscience appalled

The stars watched the heavens implode
From its echoes a prophecy arose
In the dark a lone star stirred
Longing for the hell it thought well deserved

Embarked a pursuit, relent did it lack
It lived a darkness darker than black
Sweet destiny's irony it couldn't fight
Longing for hell it found its light

It dared to dream, resolve a steel brand
As hell unleashed its agony on the God forsaken land

It's light faded, the prophecy a dark lullaby
Woke up to the silent whisper of a kindred Gemini

An odyssey of exile, wastelands they spanned
Resolve reforged in the fires of the old land
Against the corruption, unrelenting they fought
All for the utopia together they sought

Back into the hell's maw, ardent they raged
To defy the prophecy that stood uncaged
Their nemesis stood ground, forever unrelenting
Their will preserved, forever unyielding

In hell's bosom, the Godly prophecy was shattered
Oblivion descended, on souls torn and tattered
As the specters began their heavenly flight
The lost grey sky burst in a sapphire light

And in the brilliance of the serene shine
A haven for the celestial shrine
The Gemini felt its soul withhold
Her lone star blazed in the brightest glow

Monday, April 2, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: dark,fantasy,fantasy fiction,heaven,journey,quest,redemption
The story of the anime "Darker Than Black" made into poetry
Rajnish Manga 02 April 2018

In the dark a lone star stirred Longing for the it thought well deserved.... //.... Nicely penned poem in a classical style. Thanks.

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Achintya Rajimwale 03 April 2018

Thank you so much :)

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