Darkness (Krystine) Poem by Javier Falcon

Darkness (Krystine)

The sun sets and you sit there,
looking out into the horizon,
letting your dreams take over your mind,
as you wish to have life quite different,
since everything could of worked out better.

The shadows seem to caress your skin,
as you wrap your arms around yourself,
the pains of night start to fall in,
yet you look on to that falling sun with hope,
wishing for its return to your life.

Your eyes twinkle and shine as you continue to watch,
even though, how much you hope, that sun doesn't return,
meanwhile, you sit there and let this all happen,
waiting for another chance, a light to illuminate your life,
to bring back that love which was ripped away.

As total night arrives, and it seems it can't get worse,
you notice that you are not all alone in life,
a light not so bright as the one before still accompanies you.
the moon, I, will stay by your side through this time,
as I will be here as your pain goes away.

As you enter another cycle of existence,
I leave when another sun enters your life and my time is up,
but until then, I will fight all your shadows and darkness,
prevail and support you through your pains,
being patient until your real light comes.

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