Darkness Of Our Souls Poem by Tracy Dye

Darkness Of Our Souls

In the darkness they stand alone
They watch you every where you go
They’re with you in the comfort of your own home
You can’t escape them, don’t matter where you go

They follow you and watch you too
If you’re lucky they may speak
You may not want it, but it’s true
You can’t escape even if you play hide and seek

There is more then one
There are millions of dark dead souls
You can’t turn and run
Your whole soul is full of holes

They’re coming and there getting closer
They may reach for you soon
When they’re around your body tenses and goes colder
Every body thinks you’re just a loon

You know different
You know there coming
You’re just sitting in patients
Rocking back and forth humming

People think you’re crazy and not normal
You’re just different to the rest
You see things different, you see things paranormal
Thinking is your life just a test

People don’t know
They don’t see they don’t believe
They’re are no signs to show
You have help but they disbelieve

No one under stands they will panic when you vanish
They won’t know what to think; now the souls are closer
It’s like from the world you’ve been banished
Your life will be taken by a imposer

It’s too late for you now they’re here
Others wouldn’t know what’s hit
Now you’re gone and there isn’t one tear
Now the souls have commit ….

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Tracy Dye

Tracy Dye

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