Dazed And Contused Poem by James Darwin Smith II

Dazed And Contused

Woven unceremoniously,
Alien Prodigies, flustered
Confused by a flesh ranking world order
Built by an elitist conglomeration
Judging from their cloud nine
Because they cannot comprehend what is above them
A builder of a universe for which has never been seen

And what is in this very universe?
New ideas, Brand new hope, Brand new dreams
Attempts for great innovations for tomorrow
Dreams that defy today's simple dreams
Complexity at it's best
Perfection at it's worst
A two headed monster
In fact originality's toughest challenger to date

Yet, how can something that ceases to exist have an opponent?
This is where this world is highly twisted
Spinning and twirling and shaking inside chaos
On an axis quickly terraforming into carbon dioxide dreams
Coughing up black lung ambitions
Only to gasp for the air that was always taken for granted
By hindsight's admissions of blinding empowerment
Taking no fault for any actions done by the hands of everyone

So now, what happens next?
Pledging allegiance to a different world?
After all nothing can be peaceful as long as humanity is around

Oh, how These Alien prodigies wish,
They could warn the universe of a fatal disease
A fatal disease called greed and hatred
Invented by a certain obvious race
Oxymoronically named humankind
Thinking they are always the ones in front
But actually they are always the ones behind

So now what happens?
Subliminal messages are on their way
Given from distant signals we could never comprehend
In fact they have been slowly very slowly been given to us
As many of learn becoming smarter every single day

But the clueless get jealous
They want to take our knowledge away
It's been so easy because money needs no common sense

And now comes the problem
Humanity controlled by money
In debt the entertainment
To those who watch us their stars
In the biggest reality show ever made
Called, let them all fight each other so we can win

Pride is such a simple tool to use
Against those who think in righteous ways
Controlled by a marionettes hunger for power
Only to have the strings cut over a canyon billions of feet down
Paper always winning in a paper, rock scissors society
Where oppression is the current craze

So, anyhow… Where is the cheese in this maze, Anyways?

Us versus Us, I guess we would not have it any other way…

Have a great daze!

Written on 2/6/13
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