Dear Steven Poem by Brooke Lynn Moore

Dear Steven

Rating: 5.0

When things in my life start to go AWOL
I write
But I can't ever remember a time when
I sat there and rewrote the first line over and over
Like now
You know something is really wrong
When you can't even do the one thing you are sure of
When you know exactly what you want to say
But you can't
You can't because you know it will hurt the person you love
You can't because you know exactly how much you will hurt if you do
You can't because you know inside that its wrong
But then you can't not because you're sure that its right
Confusing huh?
Well here it is then
I love you with everything that I have
And I have never been more sure of anything in my life
You are the most wonderful, deserving, kind-hearted, forgiving man that I know
And I can't be with you anymore.
I have done so many things to hurt you
Never on purpose but nonetheless
You forgave me once
Then twice
Then a hundred times more
I have broken promises, my word, and your heart
Over and over like the first line of this poem
I will never stop loving you
I don't think I can
But I am asking you to make the right decision here
And stop loving me
You deserve much, much better
And one day you will find a woman who treats you better than I ever could
This has been an ongoing internal conflict for sometime now
And I have come to the conclusion that the reason I have decided to do this again
Is because I love you
You should know though
That this time we part our ways yet again
We will not be us ever again
Because time does not heal all wounds
And I love you too much to look into your eyes
And see just how deep I've cut you
And though I am in no position to ask any favors here
I will ask that you don't try to drink this away
You will realize one day that I am doing the right thing
By saying goodbye
I am so sorry Steven
More than you will ever know

(Inspiration: Steven H.)

Egi David Perdana 04 January 2009

wonderful piece nice read

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