Dear Wife- Oasis Poem by Gajanan Mishra

Gajanan Mishra

Gajanan Mishra

Tikapali, Patnagarh, Balangir, Odisha, India now at Tapobana, Titilagarh, Odisha, India
Gajanan Mishra
Tikapali, Patnagarh, Balangir, Odisha, India now at Tapobana, Titilagarh, Odisha, India

Dear Wife- Oasis

Dear wife - oasis
Gajanan Mishra

Stunning and fascinating,
Mystical and inspiring,
Magical and energetic,
Full of love and magnetic,
Also truely mesmerizing,
Dear wife, you are the oasis.

You are amazing beauty of nature,
Dear, to live with you is
Really challenging.
I love you, I love you only,
I love you most, I and you
Are living presently.

My universe is there in you,
And I care not victory and defeat,
Always I am reading our life-book.
With respect, with royalty,
With affections, with honesty,
I am there, see, with you.

Dear, let us channel our love,
Unconditional love,
To a new universe of patience
And divine clearance.
Let us stay warm and
Healthy and pleasant together,
Dear, no tears, we are
Scented flowers of nature.

Dear, I see no desert anywhere,
And still you are the oasis of
Life and living wherein
We dwell so happily, we are
Rich on our fruitful earth.
Dear, I am on the shore
and on colourfuĺ floor.

Tapobana, Titilagarh-767033

Saturday, June 8, 2024
Topic(s) of this poem: wife
Gajanan Mishra

Gajanan Mishra

Tikapali, Patnagarh, Balangir, Odisha, India now at Tapobana, Titilagarh, Odisha, India
Gajanan Mishra
Tikapali, Patnagarh, Balangir, Odisha, India now at Tapobana, Titilagarh, Odisha, India
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