Death Of A Love Poem by Sareen Raj

Death Of A Love

Rating: 4.5

Death of A Love

I don’t know how far I should go
as long as the greenwood would show.

The angel who showed me the path has deserted me.
She left me in the middle of the ocean, as I sink in melancholy.

I am waiting for my angel to save me, but I see no trace of her.
She sometimes looks like a star, sometimes like a comet
but it’s all a dream and she never came soon.

I am left alone in the middle of the ocean,
without a wooden block to be spared.
The angel whom I believed the most, has left me for my grave.

I have sunk enough into my thoughts and now I am ready for the final snare.
The final assault is very near.
The trap is set, the show is over, and it’s nearing to an end.
I see no hope, nobody to spend.

I hear the voice of the roaring sea,
I hear nothing else, not even the thoughts to lean.
I am waiting for a savior to send me some help,
but I don’t see anything coming.

I see the wrath of the love that clamored me
I am choked, jilted, and raged by the pangs of love.

The love which I always adored left me for my grave
I am left at the mercy of a looming slave.

My love, my angel, the greatest strength of my life, has deserted me.
She has deserted me for her own good.
Nowadays she sees no pain.

People talk about angels and mercy,
but I see no mercy coming all the way.

I see only my love to be with me, the thoughts;
the reminiscences with me and nothing else.

No longer can I find my little sweetheart, whom I loved the most.
I am no longer the owner of the greatest treasure, that I used to always boast.

My love was the greatest treasure to me, in all the times, in all the ways.
Now the times have changed, the days have gone,
and the dearness has come to an end.

Everything has withered away like the leaves of the trees.
I see no calm but only despair.
I can see no light, but the darkness everywhere.

I wonder if I have lost my eyes,
sometimes my heart, sometimes my soul.

Everything seems to fade away like a mystic wind,
like the armies of the fading king.

If God could speak, I would like to start again.
I would like to start again, what everything I left.

I struggled so hard to get all this,
but everything that came just went in vain.

All my attempts cursed with silly rain.
Everything seems to be absurd, nothing to be spared.

But I still need to keep the hopes alive.
Let time take its toll and send me back what was mine.
I will wait for my angel for the rest of my life.

Let the dark pangs of death corner me,
let the blood stop flowing through my capillaries.
Let my mind stop ticking, but still I will keep up till the last.

My blood started oozing; it has started oozing all over since my angel left me.
She has given no thought, not even a tear for me.

Alas! She has conquered her dreams by breaking her own heart.
She has got everything, everything to seek.

I don’t know how the hell is going to taste.
I am already burning here, in a dreadful furnace.

May be the lake of fire would be better than this.
No man should ever take this pain, the bloody kiss.

The wrath of love is itself scornful,
it changes as the season’s bliss.

Though she despised me, I will never scorn nor sting.
I will still carry her in my arms whenever she needs.

I will carry her, till my last muscle keeps.
Wherever you are, my love would reach,
and make you hear my sincere speech.

I will live and relive with the past glory
and pray to God to give a last story.

Hazel Durham 30 April 2013

A brilliant poem full of extreme pain, so beautifully expressed with such honesty, crying out for release of the death of a love!

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Sareen Raj

Sareen Raj

Hyderabad, Telangana, India
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