Death Of A Pen Poem by Mainak Chatterjee

Death Of A Pen

Long time ago, there was a powerful King and a not so famous poet.

One day king summoned the poet in his court and told -
I have heard about your poems; they are very dull and boring
harmful and provocative as well
always speaking about poverty, hunger, injustice, atrocities
and what not?
Why can't you write on love, romance, beautiful women, flowers, birds, sun, river
write about my courage and generosity
You will get a good reward

On this Poet replied politely but firmly

"I want to write soothing and harmless poems, but how can I When -

river smells of blood and decaying corpses
love and romance gets killed by brutality and lust
sunlight fails to illuminate the darkest corners
beautiful women curses their own beauty
a mother's lullaby fails to put her starving baby to sleep
a king fails to protect his weakest subjects
religion and rituals takes priority over humanity

Tell me O! King, how can I remain indifferent
and write about love, romance, beauty?
extol your courage and generosity?
I know my poems not going to bring any change
but this is my way of protest

Everyone has to pay heavy price
for going against the authority
the poet was no exception
he and his powerful pen was awarded death sentence
on charge of sedition......................

[That ruthless and intolerant king is no more and now we are in Machine Age. But things have not changed a bit. People who speaks their minds,calls a spade a spade are made silent in the same way.]

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