Death-We Are Complete Tonight Poem by Victoria Lyn Cupid

Death-We Are Complete Tonight

Within this path I've chosen
My old ways will soon return
with all the tears
and with all the wounds
Inside my heart, I take a path
Outside my body, I make a mark
using the wrong words
also using the harmful untensiles
Touching the flesh, pale as it is
Peirsing an artery, it bleeds out
until there is nothing left
waiting until there is everything to lose
I can walk forever, and end up staying
I could yell as lound as I could, and never be heard
standing in my room, all alone
standing on the ledge, contemplating
Wait, I no longer stop for you
Leaving, I wish to no longer stay
cradling myself within my own walls
or cradling my arms, praying for them to bleed
Penatrating the skin, I feel the blood drip down
I know now that this is wrong, but still can't stop
wishing for you not to see
wishing for you just to care
Can't hold on any longer, I feel like falling
The grip on our hands is slipping
falling faster than ever before
falling deeper into the memories
I'm fading away now, and I don't think you can help
As my soul begins to wither, you start to wonder
what did I do wrong
why couldn't I save
my own frineds life

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