Deaths Best Friend Poem by Tsai TheTruthSeeker

Deaths Best Friend

One day, i was alone,
Walking down an empty street,
Just for the heck of it,
And i wondered...
What if i was to die?
Would the ones i love miss me?
Would the ones i knew remember me?
Would they still love me?
When they found i had left them?

One day, i was alone...
Wondering that same street...
And again, i wondered...
Would i be missed?
Again and again...
I wonder that street,
I stare down the empty street and i wonder...
Would i be missed....
That i do not know,
I do not know if they would, or will.

Again, and again...
I wonder...
I wonder....
Would they miss me...?
Deaths best friend...
And i found the answer,
Not to the question i seek,
But to another one...
One, many try to find,
But never know...
Deaths best friend...
The unknown.

I still walk that street, every day.
But only now, i don't wonder...
Not any more...
I know some things you find out,
And some you won't ever know.
I don't wonder any more.
Some things you know,
And some you don't.
But this...
This, i do know...
They will miss me, and i them.
That, at least, i will always know.

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