Decently Dressed In White....... My Love Poem by mithilesh yadav

Decently Dressed In White....... My Love

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Read my love in those eyes
In which U spend your afternoon
And use to say me that
You like it to be on U ever

In those eyes
Which did everything to see you soon
Hope you observe that
My eyes are open for your face forever

Read my love in my open palms
In which you rest your palms
And use to say me
That in all walks of life you want to walk with me

In those palms
Which tried hard to hold your palms
Hope today when you look at me
My palms are open today but can you hold me

Read my love on my chest
Beneath which lies your home for decades
And you keeping your hand on my chest
Use to say me that this is place where you will always rest

On my chest
Oh my sweetheart there are some petals spread
Beneath those petals, right down this white cloth lie my chest
Though your home is safe inside it … but today here you can't rest
Read my love in my hairs
In which your fingers would walk freely
Sending me comfort and feeling of an assistance
And hope you remember you liked foremost the play

Beneath this white cloth lie my hairs
Washed, combed and oiled thoroughly
Once again you have my full acceptance
Though it irritated me many a times but can today you replay

Feel my love in my arms
In which you stayed secured and loved for hours
Always demanding me to keep open them for you
And once you are safe here close them tightly

Hope beneath this white cloth U can guess my arms
Though I can't lift them higher for your honours
But still my darling they have same wait for you
Though it is not that easy …. hope one last time you can hold me tightly

Remember my love on my shoulders
On which you left all your worries
And use to congratulate me sever times on my achievements
These shoulders were strong for your support and love

In white cloth covered are my shoulders
Free from all tension and worries
Though I don't have today under my name any achievements
But can U still one last time pat my shoulders my dear love
Feel my love in my presence
Which one time you missed a lot
And use to say me that you want me to be with you
For all this life and births to come

My love my darling my life see my last presence
Dressed in white how decent I lie, but no gift today I brought
Come my sweetheart give me a hug and say I LOVE YOU
Just last in this life and for every birth to come

Saturday, February 20, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: death,life,life and death,love and life
Aarzoo Mehek 20 February 2016

Love is a journey.... and death comes as a closure to some and a beginning to few... you have described all the moments and promises in beautiful way bringing the journey of love to a closure. well written poem Mithilesh 10

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