Denis The Limerick Poet Extraordinaire! Poem by Denis Martindale

Denis The Limerick Poet Extraordinaire!

I asked a poet for a trick
In writing a new limerick...
He told me straight without delay
That he would tell me if I pay...
I turned around and left him there...
As I'm a skinflint and won't share...
It's not like I'm a millionaire...
Despite the fact I've said a prayer...

So home I went and thought and thought...
With hopes that I could be self-taught...
And pretty soon the poem's came...
And now they've proved my claim to fame...
For folks recite my limericks...
From high finance to politics…
And even YouTube's played its part...
That's why my fame is off the chart!

Denis Martindale November 2018

Denis The Limerick Poet Extraordinaire!
Monday, November 5, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: famous poets,poetry,writing,humour
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