Depression Is A Tyrant Poem by Clyde King

Depression Is A Tyrant

Sorrow is my only companion. Depression is my enemy.
Depression has found me again and it has made me its thrall.
The only permanent thing in this life is change. Everything,
including life, is transient, a breath, an exhalation, a vanity.
Most of my friends have forgotten me as if I never existed.
But I will endure these lonely days and nights. almost unbearable.
I must learn to accept this forced solitude, this prison, this life in hell.
Silence speaks to me. It tells me to be still and wait for you to
leave. And you will in time. I know that. You've been creeping up
on me, like a dark shadow. Now you've swallowed me down
into your hole of emptiness. Should I surrender to you, you demon?
Maybe I will let you have your way with me. Maybe then you will leave me.
Sleep is the only friend I have now. But even then you intrude and wake
me with your lies. I will let you have me. I will surrender to you.
Do what you will. Take me in your arms and embrace me. You can't kill me.
I know this because you've visited me before. I accept the despair, cruelty,
hopelessness, sadness, desolations of your kiss, you Judas. You exist to torture
my soul. You exist to render me helpless. Then take me. By surrendering
to you I will escape you in time. But that seems so far away, yet you will
leave me as you have before; I won't regret it.

Sunday, January 24, 2021
Topic(s) of this poem: depression,sadness,despair,human condition
I suffer from major depression. Only those who have gone through it can really understand this free verse, prose poem.
Clyde King

Clyde King

San Antonio, Texas
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