Devastated Poem by John Chizoba Vincent


Take me out of here and,
Never bring me back to this dungeon

Hell for the monkeys

What eyes could see what i have seen without going blind?

What mouth could speak of where i have been without going

My legs wobbled and trembled

Hands held high in defeat

I have been through hell

And it rejected me, begged for my leave

Devastated, enraged, shattered and desperate

Who could believe it was caused by a friend?

Most trusted and honoured among all

It pays to work with an enemy rather than a friend.

My eyes are dim and weak.

Love and passion gone to exile

Strength dashed away sadly

She betrayed me, authorities took over

In a trickish violated manner

I became dumb, never allowed to say a word

Became the morning and afternoon scapegoat

Feeble after the hundred metre race 

To save a bereaved life.

All she had to do was sit back

Watch the harvest song play out

Then, i follow

Once i stepped in and fall

She got an instant scape goat.

Out there, the air and people molested me.

A sharp fire ripped a hole in my stomach

I'm not sure whether a rage or pain but it hurt so much

Always in a dead silence against my right

Behind this bar, i felt blood drained from my face

Each seconds i looked at her

She's breathing heavily_panting through her sobs.

As a friend and liar

A lunatic and a lover

As a bored rich kid, a fear nothing thrill seeker

An odds defying gambler and even,

For the briefest of moment, as a perfect daughter in-law

I have seen her every where in between

But never as a betrayer

I reread her names half a thousand times

The calmest among us  zubem

Thus fear a silent man

A fist of nausea punches in the throat,

And my chest caved in

With the taste of freedom on my tongue

Inside my chest, a volcano of rage explode

But in all dear do take me out of this dungeon.

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