Did You Ever Poem by Tracy Franco

Did You Ever

Did you ever love someone
And know they didn't love you?
Did you ever feel like crying,
But what good does it do?
Did you ever look into their eyes
And say a little prayer?
Did you ever look into their heart
And wish you were there?
Don't fall in love my friend
It doesn't pay.
It's not worth the broken heart
It causes everyday.
One moment you're happy,
The next you're sad.
Love is great,
But it hurts so bad.
The price you pay is high
If I could choose between love and death
I'd rather die.
So if you fall in love my friend,
You'll hurt before you're through.
You see my friend I ought to know,
Cause I fell in love with you....

This poem was written around 1987 by an anonymous person. My older sister and I just fell in love with the poem...
Years later I wrote a response to the poem...
Alison 13 December 2020

This is a rip-off of a poem written in the 70's. As far as I remember it was anonymous and first appeared in a magazine called 'Jackie'. It was an big hit with teenage girls and a lot of us learnt it off by heart...........I can still do it now! The original is better and longer.

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Kerry 29 April 2020

There has been a bit missed out in this poem After did you ever look into his heart it goes Did you ever see him dancing when the lights were low Did you ever whisper “ God I love him but I’ll never let him know Did you ever fall in love my friend, you’ll find it doesn’t pay Although it causes broken hearts it happens every day Love is fine but it hurts so much the price is high If I could chose tween life and death I think I’d rather die...

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