Disappear Poem by Charles Marsh


Forgive me if I break down and am never again the same,
Forgive mefor my life is of misery and shame.
I can not take it for I am driving myself insane,
Forgive me for I do not even deserve to bear my own names.
I know that I am to blame,
So forgive me for the monster that I became.
I can no longer take this life anymore,
I am no longer the soon that you can adore.
The bomb has finally stuck me at my heart's core,
I no longer have anything left to live for.
I am the monster that people talk about,
I am the thing that causes people to shout.
I am the one that causes people to black out,
I am the one that causes arents to scream, cry and pout.
I am the monster that grown men fear,
I have no other choices but to disappear.
I should not be allowed to live,
I take everything and never give.
I should just die and wrott away,
I have nothing left inside of me but hatred today.
I am living in a world of death and decay,
When it comes to apologies I lose the words to say.
I am the monster that I myself fear,
So there really is nothing left for me to do but disappear.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: vampire
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