Divine Politicians Poem by John Fenton Mcleish

Divine Politicians

One can but laugh at their audacity
For the elites are peasants really
We are the public and they our servants
Yet they do revell in their arrogance

For they are convinced, they are so Devine
Though they have risen through organised crime
Like they are destined for supremacy
What else could explain their stupidity

They do seem to believe their own charade
Not even a dog could be so naive
That's unless they have gone totally mad
If they are not fools then they must be bad

Exposed to light the vampire does deplore
Soon there will be no secrets anymore

Let's pretend there won't be a Third World War
Let's pretend we'll be saved by the Rapture
Let's all dress up and play Hollywood stars
Let's marry supermodels, drive big cars

But now it is time to wake up brother
For you are dreaming, can be no other
If you do not 'twill become a nightmare
Of concentration camps, Red Terror

The looming storm clouds are everywhere
The sky will burst and you will never bare
For you you have become weak and so lazy
The dragon fights for death, not victory

Let' pretend that we are going somewhere
Pretend if you like but no one else cares

Monday, October 17, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: poem
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