Divinely Bound Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

Divinely Bound

After all these rapid turns and twists
That sent you over hell-fires
And me to deep trough of sprites,
After all these rolls of fierce waves
That carried you to oceans' dark depths
And me to vacant barren shore,
Harrow'd and obscur'd as you are,
And languid and lost as I am,
We cry from afar from unknown lands
With no hopes in us of tryst anywhere
And no strengths in us to live without.

Who can wrap fire on papers?
Who carry the Sun in his pockets?
We are mere frames of divine causes
And carried at will by mysterious winds;
All we yearn are hollow straws
That fly and fall on wind'd bidding,
All we dream are bleach'd clouds
That scatter and vanish next moment;
Tangled are we in cruel designs,
The nature wove for its own plays;
But, you are you, and I'm I,
We are halves of the one and only one,
Divinely bound, insuperably blent
In the deep core of the celestial truths,
That the nature can never truly tear
In spite of designs it labour'd to weave;
It is the straw that keeps us afloat,
It is the cloud we look for rains,
For, tout vient a qui sait attendre,
And we wait till we truly collapse,
Though no hopes in us of tryst anywhere
And no strengths in us to live without.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Topic(s) of this poem: life,love
Sharon Smith 15 February 2012

Just lovely! ! Thankyou.

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