Honesty Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English


Honesty is like lovely flowers,
Blossoming in their own trees,
Fair and simple without strains;
Honesty is pure inner voice,
Without deflections by the self;
True to conscience, honesty is;
But, not truth, by itself;
Soft and gentle like full moon light,
Honesty is reflected conscience,
Unlike sunlight of the direct truth;
Honesty is always circumspect,
Revolving around the conscience,
Built in and sprout from integrity.

Quiet and silent,
Honesty prefers to bow and crawl;
It is firm, yet flexible in tone,
Amidst noise, comforting tune;
Honesty never jumps and shouts,
Grounds always to deeper depths
To confirm, reconfirm fairness in it;
Truth is verbal and loyal to law
While honesty, loyal to justice itself,
Honesty is god, the final truth.

Honesty is multi-rooted truth,
Its tentacles spread to depths and breadths,
To widths and heights, in dimensions all,
And blossoms truth in total shape;
Honesty is that gentle light
That spreads out from everlasting lamp
Of consciousness deep inside soul,
In tandem with universal truth;
Honesty is pure satisfaction,
Honesty is the enrichment within,
Honesty hoists confidence,
Honesty is strength in its truer sense
That helps to walk, head held high.

No tinge of doubts ever suffers honesty,
No reasons ever refract honesty,
For, honesty springs direct from soul,
Its roots embedded in Being itself;
Honesty is fairness seen within,
Without manoeuvres souring it;
Honesty sprouts from integrity's floor
And adds to peace and comforts of world.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Topic(s) of this poem: life
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