'Do You Think Of Me? ' Poem by Greg Oosterhouse

'Do You Think Of Me? '

I think of you,
Do you think of me?
You forever dwell in my mind,
And in my heart you’ll stay eternally.

How about you?
Am I in your mind and heart?
Do I put a smile on your face?
With thoughts of me, do good memories start?

When you are away,
You’re ever in my sight,
My heart never goes dim
While all else is dark as night.

When I am away,
Do you see me?
Am I a glimmer to your heart?
Or am I too dim for it to see?

I remember your special occasions
Because they are important to me.
I send you my thoughts and love,
As you are someone who gives me glee.

I get my hopes up,
That you will return the favor.
When my special days come around,
I long to see tokens of your love to savor.

The corners of my mouth do fall
As I see nothing from nary a dear one.
I walk as a man discontented,
And a crying jag, I feel I may be near one.

I try not to think that you don’t care,
And put away other ill thoughts.
But it is really hard at times,
Not in that web of despair to be caught.

Just you be on the look-out
When your next special day is nigh.
You will see a memento of my love,
Because you are always one to lift my spirits high!

Lord, there is none beside, nor before You.
Domine Deus, tu solus sanctus. Amen.

©Greg Alan Oosterhouse,10-23-2006.

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