Dolphins On The Road Poem by Nassy Fesharaki

Dolphins On The Road

Dolphins on the road

The book of Jack Kerouac
-came along as orphan
-abandoned by trash.

With the book and writer
-came to me some thistles;
-memories were tickled
-germinated, budded,

Recalled the article
-on dolphins in water;
-Persian Gulf, an island,
-place for burial…

In grief and mourning
-carried dead, animals.

Writing was a time waste
-to many who just cared
-for money, smuggle…

Not for me; crazy,
-and author who must be
-similar, same as me…

Delicate and lovely
-have, long been, oceans, seas
-with varied lives, beings;
-endangered by man as worst devil…

Parts of them whales, dolphins
-lost homes and liveliness to evil,
-in the name of "Fishing…"

Heard the whale is doing
-with her calf…
-what then did the dolphins.

Also read of Demi
-Lovato, the artist…

She may go to join the
-Huston and Jackson
-and many, many more
-with drug overdose…

The voices have remained
-to tell us of stars:
- "They are all, dandelions…"

When read of injections
- "Intensive Attention"
-recalled when used to wear
-white cloak, be doctor.
-I dressed the wounds and
-injected in veins and in muscles.

I was in midst of teens,
-preferred the ladies
-to pull pants, roll sleeves
-for me who was young kid;
- (not mature man with lust!)

Possibly were blind
-to the fact of my needs…

There were some occasions
-that taught me good lessons
-among them young woman
-with kidney problem
-and the kid turned into
-skin, bone, sleepless…

Inflated, naked
-was hidden prior,
-underneath a bedsheet
-could not wear anything.

I counted each drop for latter,
-sat awake and disturbed for hours,
-heard skin bulge, enlarge, separate!
-Sure, I changed, felt obliged to see deep
-into life, health, sickness, suffering!

Wednesday, August 1, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: experience
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