Don'T Bother Knocking Poem by JAMES T. ADAIR

Don'T Bother Knocking

Don't bother knocking
He doesn't live here anymore
I saw him check the mail just before
Yes, but he's gone, he shut the door
He doesn't live here anymore

Where did he go, what's possibly wrong
He mentioned something about another song
He tried to stay here he said, a little too long
Feeling all the while it was all wrong
So he packed his things and moved along

I don't understand he was just here the other day
Yes, that is so but he's gone away
Caught up it seems in what is real and is fake
Mentioned something about a woman and a mistake
He cared about her I know he did say

Yes but he said he had to leave anyway
He needed someone real to hold and she was just play
She cared but she could not bring herself to say
She was too busy kissing up to those that came her way
He cared too much to stay

So you say he doesn't live here any more
What is the sign up for
I don't know, he didn't say
All I know is he's gone away
Might come back another day, but he's in a different way

He can't take the phony and insincere
That's why he isn't here
Anyway, he didn't have any feelings..
And not too much to say
Of what he said, she didn't listen anyway

So he packed his bags and went away

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