Dream Poem by Liza Sud


Lets keep our love in secret.
You will ask - and I will answer.
more than curious eye brings fear
the stone thet that they hide bedind back.

You caressed me half- embracing.
And crowded bus was watching.
And the sea in bay was swaying
the sun that was also fondling.

You gave me a kiss on my cheek.
This picture bacame as frozen,
and silence gave us a promise
that this matter will be covered

as hidden below a blanket.
And truly - there are no movements,
as dream promises, entices
in pure revelations' union.


Давай сохраним любовь в тайне.
Ты спросишь меня - я отвечу.
Страшней любопытного взгляда
быть может лишь камень заплечный.

Ты меня приобнимала,
и полный смотрел автобус,
и море в бухте качало
ласкающее нас солнце.

Ты в щеку меня целовала,
и эта картинка застыла,
молчание мне обещало, ,
что все это будет укрыто

от взглядов, как под одеялом.
и верно - здесь нету движений.
Так сон обещает и манит
в чистейший союз откровений.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: love and dreams
Daniel Brick 29 May 2016

I typed a great comment on this surprising and wonder love poem but the computer destroyed it. Damn computers: they give and take. But it is a wonderful poem about promises fulfilled and trust achieved - You seem to be implying more than one meaning to the use of the verb COVERbut the poem is discrete and dfraws a veil over the scene, so I too willmbe discreet and just acknowledge the two people spoke truthfully to each other and acted in Good Faith. Didn't a famous Minnesota philosopher say something about the Truth of Love binding people and that love fulfills their lives. Yes, we say things like that to each other in Minnesota. It's good for the souls of each.

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