Easter Night 2017 Poem by Liza Sud

Easter Night 2017

Rating: 5.0

Here it is, Easter Night,
here it is - your death
and to the Purple attire
She is changing your dress.

Deacons are running swiftly,
all are standing stock-still,
waiting for the meeting
the One who made all things.

In Israel on Saturday
Fire came down again.
And it's conveyed to all of us
by folks who celebrate.

Noisy is near the Sepulchre,
and crowd thrusts to walls,
hundreds of them are waiting for
Blessed Fire that will fondle.

Thus - look - it will be when you
also will come to die,
And to the Lord the same way
you will on that day rise.

It is a great holiday
also for your soul.
hurry to your holiness
God's Knowledge is disclosed.

Вот она, Ночь пасхальная,
вот она - твоя смерть
меняет свое одеяние
на Багрянистый цвет.

Бегают быстро дьяконы,
все, замерев, стоят,
ожидая свидания
с Тем, кто тебя создал.

А в субботу в Израиле
снова сошел Огонь,
и ко всем доставляет его
празднующий народ.

Шумно у Гроба Господня,
к стенкам теснит толпа,
и ожидают сотни
ласкового Огня.

Так - гляди - тогда будет,
если и ты умрешь -
К Господу, словно чудо,
так же и ты взойдешь.

Это великий праздник
и для твоей души!
Бог раскрывает знанье -
к святости поспеши!

Wednesday, April 19, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: easter,religious holiday
Dr Antony Theodore 23 April 2017

hurry to your holiness.. were u there at the Sepulchre in Jerusalem. i was there in march..2017. how many times i went and when i come back and preach about my spiritual experience it also elevates my soul. yes it is the experience of holiness.......... as u write. thank you dear poetess

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