Edina-4 Poem by shuvo chakraborty


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The air is not favourable for us, not too have acquaint,
That appears not so agile to raise high waves
In such moonlit clad night and the lonely barge.
May the river is plain, no falls or brooks grace its way
So to invite the uncanny storm to vanquish inborn drowsiness.
Although the night looks lengthy even not perpetual,
Darkness neither friendly too erase the distance.
Perhaps this way and this surrounds are not amazed
or warmness found another way letting all its hidden charms,
Acquiring all conviction to dance with devils foul.
These arteries that once shared the mutual flow of titanic blows,
Hearts mutated too close with most uncommon rainbows
And each palm swelled with reddish glow
To bloom like rose in the crimson eyes that falls to silence
With so many words unspoken and that another part.
The river looks standstill and the current chronic ill
And wingless hushed air under cloud facing stars
Bid no move speeding the spoiled barge,
Silly waves of evening that played upon watery front
Are no more visible to regenerate the collapsed dreams.
Therefore, shall we call the night off or perspire more disappointments?
Or to sneak out from this ill built dome in Pharaos great name?
If the looming spirit be allowed to be condensed more,
Might it turn to ice burg giant over our weak phantasies
And may block all the running of arteries with unseasoned cold.
Let us embrace the late rising moon better leaving this dull vicissitude,
Waiting not for another possible rising gossip waves, which may or may not come.

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