Ego Sum Mei Poem by Mathew Lewis

Ego Sum Mei

Cocoon me,
It’s the safest way to bleed,
Fresh but far away from view,
To admit a beating heart
Is to open up old wounds.
Warm blood courses quicker
Than young love will ever do,
A lonely night of self indulgence,
Although dangerous,
Is the first one’s soul will choose.
Demons thrive in company,
Bred by tacky second hand lines,
They crave the warmth of a spotlight,
A beer in hand makes reason blind.
And so in absence of that reason,
A desperate scramble to fill that void
Results in a hasty substitution,
In place of reason, we take white noise.
A mess of hasty calculations
Formulated through a faulty fuse,
Means that what was once a whim
Becomes a tool of self abuse.
So instead of mutilation
In sight of everybody else,
I find myself in favour
Of amore singular abuse.
And with every action archived,
And with every hate in tune,
The retreat I make within myself
Becomes a way to hide the bruise.
Of course there’s always tomorrow,
Into which I’ll try to wake,
I’ll tell myself I’m doing well,
And ignore how much I shake.
And the embittered violent struggle,
That was a leaf on last night’s vine,
Will remain as my own private struggle,
As I repeat the words; ‘I am Mine’.

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